Tehnopark Celje predstavljen v časniku FAZ.NET - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has published a report on Tehnopark Celje in today’s edition. The report was created by students Urh Štrakl, Janez Petriček (Celje, Gimnazija Celje - Center), and Jure Skrbinšek (Ptuj). FAZ focuses on in-depth analytical content, distinguishing it from other European newspapers. Through projects like Jugend schreibt, it offers young journalists opportunities to publish their work on a reputable platform. The report is available in both the print edition of FAZ, which has a daily circulation of around 182,800 copies, and on the newspaper's website, reaching approximately 850,000 readers daily. The report includes interviews with the director of Tehnopark Celje, Andreja Erjavec, robotics expert Maša Jazbec, and marketing manager Marjeta Gmajner.
Prepared and published as part of the Mladina piše project, under the patronage of the Municipality of Celje; coordination and management: Zavod Discimus Lab.