An unforgettable week awaits us at Tehnopark Celje, full of magical inspiration and scientific discoveries! This special week combines the magic of Halloween with the fascinating insights of science.

Get ready for an exciting week as we reveal the secrets of the science behind the illusions, puzzles and wonderful worlds of virtual reality. The event includes a wide variety of magic and science activities as well as a magic academy.



Virtual reality
Scary and slightly less scary virtual reality for the elderly and the youngest.


Make a sustainable scarecrow

In a creative atmosphere, we will create terribly cute toys from sustainable materials.

At the workshop, we will practically test how waste can be an excellent opportunity to develop creativity and strengthen STEAM potential in children.

Because we want to show how easy it is to reduce the amount of waste in domestic households, we invite you to bring a piece of old clothing, blanket, bedding or jewelry with you, and together we will give it a terribly cute look and a new life.

Used things will no longer appear to you as just waste, but as a limitless possibility of original ways of creation.


Science show Pumpkin science
An entertainment-science show featuring science experiments and experiments.


Scary Word Hunt!
In Scary Science Week, the green-mouthed fearsome monster gains a very special power given to it by a dark magical night. With your clear mind, you can help us to the final solution and find the word that will banish this terrible confusion!

A puzzle game that encourages research and learning about the scientific topics of Technopark Celje. Find the scary word and tame the scary monster.


A terrible creative
Since environmental sustainability is one of the most important challenges for all of us today, at the workshop we will learn and practically test how waste can be an excellent opportunity to develop a sustainable lifestyle, creativity and STEAM potential of an individual from childhood onwards.
At the workshop, we will create terribly cute scarecrows, dream catchers, STEAM sustainable masterpieces based on our own inspiration, Halloween lanterns and spider webs.


Wizarding Academy
A great and fun experience for kids! Children will have the opportunity to explore and learn about different aspects of "magic", science and creative thinking. Through various workshops and activities, they will acquire new creative skills, learn the basics of science and have fun in a magical environment.


Make your own Halloween candle

In the workshop, children will make a naturally scented candle, with a scent of their choice, which will decorate your Halloween decoration. They will be introduced to the manufacturing process, materials and small tricks for a longer durability of the candle.


Face painting

A scary painting that will delight all Halloween enthusiasts.

Creating with a 3D pen

We will make 3D Halloween products and thus realize our creativity in a multidimensional way.



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